There Is Only One Truth
In recent times it has become common to hear people talk about "my truth". I've had a few run-ins with people when I have expressed this Truth and they've got defensive and replied that we all have our own truth. This is the ego and it's version of what Truth is. In these times of the individual, where teamwork seems to be an old-fashioned concept, and all you ever hear is people talking about "my life, my journey, my truth, the best version of myself" and everyone wants to be seen, it is easy to forget what is meant by Truth.
The Truth I'm talking about is not the everyday use of that word. It is not the truth that emerges from a court room or the truth a journalist sets out to find. This is the surface version, the ego version of truth. The Truth I speak and sing of is just another word for Love or Freedom or God or Source or Consciousness. I deliberately interchange these terms in my songs and writings because I want you to realise it is not the word that does it. It is a reality that stands independent of any word we assign to it. You can call it Christ Consciousness if you like, as some do, but it does not belong to Christians. You can call it Atman but it does not belong to Hindus. You can call it Allah but it does not belong to Muslims.
Truth is an experience only the individual can have and yet it is not personal. Anybody who has even got a glimpse of that state of consciousness knows without a doubt what they are experiencing, for want of a better word, is within and available to all beings. When you detach from the body and mind, when you are present, you will experience this and you will know it is the same thing that is giving life to you that is also giving life to everything else in Creation. It is greater than any individual being and yet it somehow can be felt and experienced through an individual.
So when I hear people speak of "my truth" I know straight away they are talking about some sort of surface story and feelings, which are legitimate, but they are not Truth. The thing that is in me, when I look at a tree or an animal or another human being, I can sense the same thing within them - even if they can't. This sometimes appears to others as some sort of arrogance. How dare you claim to know "my truth"?! But I don't. I know the Truth that is running through all Creation, including you.
The reason the ego objects this is because the ego is all about the personal, the private. It hates the idea that it can somehow be penetrated because the ego's role is by nature protective. It cocoons the individual from the rest of life around it and creates an identity out of this cocoon. This identity is incredibly intimate and personal to the individual having lived with it since childhood. It protects you from the world 'out there'. So anything that is seen as a threat to that private, separate identity creates defensiveness. It is no surprise to me that in these times so many people are speaking of "my truth" because the Truth vibrations are increasing, more people are awakening to their true nature, so a lot of egos are feeling very insecure, uptight and fearful. The Truth vibrations, like the tremors before an earthquake, can be felt by the ego.
The reason I am interested in spotlighting this is because as the false idea of "my truth" gains momentum so does the opportunity for people to be exploited spiritually. It's bad enough people are being misled by politicians and leaders talking of "freedom" and "hope" but that has been going on for ages. There is a new kind of spiritual ego we haven't really seen before. It is emerging precisely because the genuine Truth is breaking through more into this world, which we haven't seen before in recent history. It is a reaction to that. The ego has to be even more cunning and clever because it is aware the real thing is hot on it's heels now. The ego-driven world is rapidly crumbling. This is good and necessary but we have to be vigilant because wherever there is a void, wherever there is space, the ego will want to step in and claim it. Especially when there is an opportunity like never before to let the old fall and allow a new, natural, organic, harmonious world to emerge. The ego will want to get in first and rebuild in the space that is left after the old crumbles but it also knows that too many people are becoming aware of Truth so it has to disguise itself as if it's on God's side. The Devil essentially has to get real good at pretending to be God.
This is happening in many ways right now. The alternative media has already been infiltrated by some who are misleading truth seekers. In more subtle, personal ways, plenty people are spreading the "my truth" philosophy and presenting it as some sort of spiritual authority. It's not taking people to enlightenment and freedom. All it's doing is helping to sharpen and strengthen egos.
If Truth was a personal thing, you couldn't see that various people throughout history up to today are speaking about the same thing, despite coming from very different cultures, in different eras, with very different back stories. I can jump from Bob Marley to David Icke to UG Krishnamurti to Bruce Lee to Eckhart Tolle because although they all express it in their own way, it is clear they are speaking of the one, same, infinite reality.
The EXPRESSION of that one Truth varies from individual to individual. In fact, you become more unique when you awaken to Truth despite the ego's concern that you will somehow lose yourself. Each awakened individual will express it in their own unique way, it will never sound exactly like anyone else. Otherwise it would be a dead philosophy not a living reality. Nature untouched always produces uniqueness. No two leaves are exactly the same, no two faces... The irony is the ego believes to become one with Truth you will become some sort of vague nothingness when in fact it is the ego who is always trying to be like someone or something else. It is the ego which is interested in cloning, not the Truth. The ego compares, it wants what others have, it wants to fit in, it follows the system which is all about conformity and everything being the same. The world we currently inhabit is an ego built world and it's getting worse by the day because people like Klaus Schwab want all cities to be the same (smart cities). Social media, an ego creation, is all about making people fit into pre-existing structures. All the successful YouTube channels have the same look and feel, all the popular Instagrammers post the same content... the ego loves to talk all the time about it's autonomy (George Harrison's song "I Me Mine" comes to mind) but if you look at it's actions, what it creates in the world, it is the opposite of spontaneity and uniqueness.
Only when you embrace and accept the fact you are not a separate entity - that is a man-made fiction - that you are part of a whole which is infinite and cannot be understood by what you call 'you' do you actually begin to come into your own uniqueness.