Song Stories: Nobody Wants You To Be Free
8/4/20234 min read
Song Stories is a new thing I may do from time to time for select songs. I'll start with Nobody Wants You To Be Free because that song seems to be quite a controversial one which triggers a lot of people. Most of the negative reactions I've received for this song have shown me it is being greatly misunderstood.
The song title comes from a Mooji clip I watched way back in 2009, entitled "Nobody Wants You To Be Free". In this clip he talked of how your parents, your family, your friends, etc do not want Freedom for you. What he meant, which is greatly misunderstood, is not that they mean this intentionally. He acknowledged they may have your best intentions at heart but the problem is your parents can only pass on their conditioning to you. If they don't know Freedom themselves, then how can they possibly support your path to Freedom? They may believe they want the best for you when they encourage you to go to university, get a good career, get a mortgage, get married, have children and all of that but that is only their programming speaking. They were told this is what life is about and so they pass that on to you.
The opening line of the song is, therefore, not an attack at parents because your parents also had parents who told them who they are and we can keep going back generations and who is ultimately to blame? The line is simply meant to spotlight this dilemna in the hope that the listener will see this clearly and the spell can be broken.
The doctors make you sick not well line came from what I learned and began to uncover after watching a lot of documentaries about the mainstream medical system early on in my awakening. Like everyone, you grow up assuming doctors are there to look after you, but once you step back and look at all the pills they are dishing out, the way they are cutting open the body, removing things and messing around with what they don't actually know themselves it becomes obvious. Look at all the animals in the wild. They are not popping pills. Everything else in nature seems to be self-healing. So clearly something is wrong in the man-made world. Similarly, the law is just as corrupt. Once high-paid jobs are created, corruption sets in, and nobody has the guts to speak the truth cos there's too much to lose.
The chorus of the song is pointing out that we are essentially treated as products from birth, programmed through education, to support and sustain this system for the benefit of a few at the expense of the many. As Michael Jackson sang "They Don't Really Care About Us". If you are lucky enough to break out of that, you will realise there's a value to you inherently built-in which has absolutely nothing to do with the system and your role in society.
The science line is a reference to how we have gradually moved away from the religious brainwashing which had been the predominant form of brainwashing up until the 20th century and have now walked straight into a new jail - science. It is now a religion with all the hallmarks of the old religions and if you doubt that, just look at the last few years, from 2020 onwards.
In the bridge section of the original SoulJahm version I sang "I don't want to set you free, maybe there's a chance you'll see". That line was in reference to the fact a free man or woman isn't even interested in freeing anybody else because they know if they bang that drum too much they are in danger of becoming a preacher themselves, just like the politicians and religious figures they are spotlighting. It was a subtle way of inviting you to see without pushing anything on you. However, when I came to record the 'End Of The Strangers' version in 2018, the world had changed a lot since the original 2012 version, and it seemed you had to be very literal with people or else they couldn't intuitively catch the subtleties of the message. So I had to be more bold in stating "I would love to set you free". Both versions are really saying the same thing, one in a subtle way and the other more boldly.
The rich and famous line was simply an observation I made about how celebrity and fame seems to exist as a way for the masses to project the best and worst of themselves externally. We admire celebrities because they achieve things we would love to do but are too afraid to try and we despise them at the same time because they exhibit our worst excesses which we hide from. They are like different versions of us in different skin.
Similarly, the line about friends and lovers is another observation of the way we allow others around us to limit and control us. Everyone wants to fit in, be part of some group, and it is that which holds us from expressing ourselves truly and individually. Somebody has to be the first to break away from the pack because if you don't then another will crack because its a peer pressure system.
The final section deals with how we try this and that and ultimately still fail to find happiness and contentment. There is only one way out and that is to realign with God or Consciousness or Source or whatever name you wish to give it within yourself. Whether you obey or rebel you are still caught in the same game. I'm speaking of the rebels we are used to within the system, like the bad boys at school. They are not actually rebels because most of them eventually settle down and conform like everyone else. A true rebel wouldn't even have any concept of themselves as a rebel. We rearrange the world just like we rearrange our furniture but ultimately we're still trapped in the same room and it's only when you realise yourself outside of space and time that you can find lasting peace.