Recording Harmonica for "Giudecca" - July 2012

* This was originally published on 18/05/2016 *


In the same apartment in Budapest where we recorded our vocals for "Giudecca" and "Voice", I recorded the harmonica part for "Giudecca".

Mark had popped the harmonica in his suitcase along with the music stuff we asked him to bring to Bologna a year earlier. So when we were working on the song "Giudecca" it started to feel like a good track to utilise the harmonica. One day we were out in the city centre of Budapest, looking at the shops, and on the way back to our apartment a busker was playing harmonica. That triggered something in me and suddenly I felt ready to give it a go. I can't play harmonica, but when we got in I lay down on the couch in the living room with the headphones on listening to the track while Kate took care of recording. We went through the track a number of times and I just played spontaneously whatever I felt and could manage. At the end of it all, we had loads of takes of harmonica and later in Italy we went through them and comped together the best parts to create the final harmonica track you hear on the recording: