Monitoring Spirits


For many years now strange things have been going on around me. I could say all my life actually. Though up until the age of 27 they were more 'normal strange', if that makes sense. After the age of 27 it literally turned into 'anything goes strange'. By 'normal strange', I mean things like people contacting me enthusiastically about my work and then disappearing, leaving unfinished business. These are events that many people can probably recognise from their life. What I'm going to talk about here, explained by the video (which showed up for me last week), are the kind of strange things that seem to be other-worldly, in the most literal sense.

I am exploring the possibility of entities from what is known as the 4D interfering in a malevolent way to disrupt and derail events in the 3D world. Like all matters spiritual, terminology can be a problem. There are differing theories about what exactly the 4D is but this is the most basic understanding I have of it. In spirituality, reality is often divided up into dimensions - usually 3D, 4D and 5D. Everybody knows about the 3D. That is the physical world we exist in with our physical bodies, the world which the five senses interact with. As you go higher, the energies are subtler and purer, non-physical as we understand it. 5D is a more enlightened dimension, where unity and connectedness of all things is more clearly experienced. So 4D is often seen as a bridge between the physical world and the higher consciousness of 5D. It is where you experience your 'energy body', that is the unseen blueprint you could say, for your physical body.

I don't tend to use these terms myself because it's all experienced as one reality to me in my everyday living, but for purposes of communication, I will sometimes refer to the 4D, particularly when talking about this subject.

For many years now, I've observed a phenomenon which can only be described as if someone or something is watching and placing characters in my path or influencing the shape certain situations take. There are characters in my home town who I do not know personally, have never spoken to, but they appear at key moments in key places. There are others, who I've known personally in some capacity, even if only barely, who also cross paths with me at specific moments. I may be in the house doing something then suddenly get a notion to go for a walk and I won't necessarily know where I'm going, but I'll end up crossing paths with one of these people. Sometimes I am intending to go out but I get delayed and the same thing happens and I realise if I'd been out at the time I intended I wouldn't have crossed their path. There have been periods where these people will say something to me or do something in front of me, as if I was meant to see this action. Sometimes they will remind me of someone else, someone who I know well but who lives in another country, so perhaps have no contact with. Sometimes they will say something which relates to the person I know, as if they are acting as spokesperson for this individual who isn't physically there, yet neither know each other.

When I was busking it was common for certain recurring characters to show up. It would usually be after I'd been playing for a while, as if some sort of invisible signal went out and alerted them. As I've spoken about elsewhere on this blog, many times I'd been playing and a good vibe was happening, some people sitting around listening, enjoying the Music and a feeling of silent connectedness between us present. Then one of these characters would appear as if to disrupt the connected feeling and cause some chaos.

As the video explains, this kind of thing can also happen with people you know well, like family and friends. In certain moments they can behave as if they are another person, as if they are possessed. In observing this for many years now, it becomes clear that the person themselves, often doesn't appear to be aware that they are being 'possessed'. That makes it very difficult to catch the real perpetrator. I was not brought up religious, have never followed any religion or went to church and so talk of Satan and demons is not something that was part of my life growing up but most people are aware of the saying "the devil takes many forms". That is exactly what this is like when it is part of your everyday experience. You want to call it out but you don't want to offend the person, who is unaware of their behaviour, so you learn other ways to evade it as it shapeshifts between people. What is clear is it requires the individual to be at lower vibrations for it's influence to take hold. When you are present and aware it can't get in.

Another place I see this phenomenon play out is on the news, in world events. Often around the time of new positive breakthroughs, whether that be a new song or video I put out or a new person I meet, these 'attacks' will occur. Someone who seemed to be coming closer towards me will suddenly go cold and the next day in the media there will often be a negative story with details relating to my current personal situation. The headline could be "Indie musician...", "Scottish man..." or there is a negative story regarding a celebrity I've previously been compared to. It often brings to mind the lyric "Propaganda spreading over my name / Say you want to bring another life to shame" from Bob Marley's song "Bad Card". The feeling it gives me is that something or someone is trying to associate me with some kind of negativity in order to cause distrust between me and people who may be beginning to resonate with what I'm about. To disrupt the connection.

Now, some will argue that it's all our own doing. That it's your subconscious or unconscious tendencies mirroring themselves in your life. That part of us which tends to sabotage anything good coming into our lives. I have considered this but it doesn't quite sit right nor explain it satisfactorily for me. That theory doesn't leave so much room for the other as a sovereign individual in their own right. An offshoot of that theory which has grown in recent times is the NPC (Non-Player Character) concept. A computer game term to explain characters in the game that are automated (ie. not controlled by a human player). The idea is that there are certain people in your life who do not have a soul or autonomy of their own but are rather being moved around to interact with you, the main player. These are also sometimes known as the Backdrop People. It's a very appealing theory, and I've got to say, at times when I observe these people, it almost looks like that. Still this theory doesn't quite work for me because what can be outside of Consciousness? Why would some humans have a soul while others are just essentially 'avatars'? And what is the difference between Consciousness and the soul? If you go deep enough, do any of us have free will? Spiritual terminology can be blurry because these are all just conceptual ways of trying to understand things outside our normal reference points so I won't explore that here because that's a rabbit hole of it's own.

From the video, only the dreams part I haven't personally experienced. Like a lot of spiritual/truther videos, it's put forth from a Christian perspective but that's not the viewpoint I'm taking. I'm simply recognising much of what is in the video rings true in my own experience. There are other ways of explaining the same thing and when it comes to reality, I'm not so concerned with the way something is dressed up, but more if it has any truth in it. It crops up in other cultures. For instance, both Bob Marley and Peter Tosh have spoken about similar spiritual attacks growing up in Jamaica. Yes, they were brought up Christians and fearing the devil but it is a different culture to the Christian American background of this video. Others like David Icke speak of Reptilians and other beings who inhabit the 4D and cause chaos in 3D.

As this kind of thing comes out into the open, as it already is, it will help in understanding what we're dealing with. A spiritual battle. In these times, plenty are protesting and fighting against governments and organisations and cancelling various individuals but there is an unseen level to all the chaos we are seeing in the world. That is the root of all the disharmony and it we start to address it there it will be far more effective than fighting each other at the 3D level.