Grateful For What They've Given You Instead Of Angry At What They've Denied You


One of the factors I've come up against with many people when trying to point out the ways the system controls, manipulates and exploits the individual is the reverence they have for certain aspects of the system, particularly scientific and medical. Many will automatically defend medical science because their own life, or someone close to them, has been somehow saved or improved by medical science. I understand this viewpoint but I'd like to offer an alternative way of seeing this, to perhaps show how it's a limited viewpoint, and how the very system itself has created those limits.

As the quote above from U.G. Krishnamurti points out, we have an attachment to the system because of certain things it has given us, mostly in the form of technology of some kind. Yet what if it was in the interests of a certain group of people to hide, cover-up and deny what we are really capable of only to then offer a second-rate external version of these abilities and powers but in a form they can control, monetise and use to direct the population where they want it to go?

As a child of the 1980s, I can remember a brief part of my childhood before I had a computer. I played in nature, climbed trees, went on adventures, played football, tennis, rode my bike... It was a very active childhood and a lot of it was outside amongst the elements. When the weather was not favourable to being outdoors I played snooker, chess, listened to the radio, read books, made drawings. Very hands-on activities, very much using the sense of touch. Inside or outside it was a very physical existence. Then when I was 9 years old I received a computer for Christmas. I didn't ask for one but computers were obviously being pushed on parents as the next thing you needed to give your child. Even after receiving my first computer I still continued to play the way I had but less and less so as the years went on. Suddenly it became more appealing to stay in for hours and play these fascinating things called computer games. Luckily, I never got too much into games, I was always much more interested in creating things than passively using other peoples' creations. I actually got into the programming side of things more than playing games... until I realised that was gonna be too intellectual a pursuit for me to follow through on (ie. I wasn't brainy enough for it!).

When I look back now, all my best memories of childhood are pre-computer. The happiest times were out on adventures, playing football for hours, riding my bike. So why were computers foisted upon me the way they were? Maybe in the 80s you still had a choice but by the 90s you HAD to be into computers or you were going to get left behind. You needed to use them for school, for work, and increasingly there were certain things you couldn't do without computer access and knowledge. Did any of us get a say in this? And if it has supposedly made life better and is considered "progress" how come I see so many comments all over social media today of people longing to return to the 80s before all this computer stuff?

I use the computer era as an example because it is recent and many of us can remember what it was like before computers. The point is if the system was able to do this with computers what else in history has it done this with? Mainstream medical science as we know it today is only about 100 years old. It's easy to forget that. The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research was founded in 1901 and John D. Rockefeller's wealth and influence was used to advance medical science and push out of the way any alternatives. There are many documentaries out there which go into this period of history and show the ways more holistic natural methods of healing were removed from teachings of medical professionals by Rockefeller and his Flexner Report of 1910. He was an oil tycoon and surprise, surprise, the pharmaceutical industry is essentially oil-based. So, it's not for nothing I sing "doctors make you sick not well" in 'Nobody Wants You To Be Free':

"Scientific thinking is as much an aberration as the religious thinking of man. And we admire science because of what it has given us, the high technology and so on."

- U.G. Krishnamurti

It will become more and more clear from this point on in the world that medical science has little to do with saving health. It was built as a business, a money-making machine for oil tycoons and another way to control the population. Any health benefits are essentially a side-effect. There are many species on this planet who can regenerate body parts. Self-healing capabilities in other species, such as a cat's purr, are remarkable. Given that we are supposedly the most intelligent, self-aware species on the planet, why do we not have access to these self-healing capabilities? Is it because we are not capable or is it because through a perception deception we have been led to believe we don't? Belief in human beings is an incredibly powerful tool. We have created and achieved amazing things due to our beliefs and similarly that same power can work against us in the wrong hands. By brainwashing us as to what is possible and what is not possible the system is able to limit our true power.

The human body is so intelligent and resilient it has survived on this planet for thousands of years. Long before vaccines, long before this Flexner Report and John D. Rockefeller, and yet we act today as if we can't do without medical science. Have you ever considered by brainwashing us to believe and rely on it, they have weakened us to the point where we now actually experience that as reality? Like a crutch we've been using too long, we've forgotten what it's like to walk on our own two feet. Since belief is such a powerful force, it is for this reason I would never attempt to talk anybody out of using medical science. I'm not writing this to convince anybody to reject it, I'm writing this to spotlight and put it in it's rightful place - it is one method available for those who wish to use it but it is far from infallible and should never be forced upon the whole western population. My anger and sense of injustice comes from that. I never tell anybody what to do and as far as I'm concerned, people can do as they please as long as they don't force their beliefs upon another individual.

So whereas a lot of people will come at this with "they saved my life with such and such an operation" or whatever, I come at it like what if I never had received a single vaccine? What if I had never been interfered with by medical science? Given pills, injections, operations... What would my health look like then? What if my own self-healing capabilities were allowed to open up and flourish naturally? Animals untouched by humans need none of these things and we are another species just like them.

People will defend the system because of the convenience it offers. All your groceries readily available at your local supermarket. Is that really a better quality of life than having my own patch of land where I can grow my own food without additional chemicals? If you've ever tasted jam made from wild berries in comparison with even the best jams from a supermarket or raw honey as opposed to the supermarket kind you will know what I'm talking about. There is more to food than we realise. Where it is grown, how it is grown, all contributes to it's energetic quality, beyond just the nutritional value. The benefits can be felt throughout your whole body. Yet we are denied this. Only a few are able to make that an everyday reality if they choose.

Back to computers, and many will point out I am writing all this and able to share it because of the technology they have given us. Yes, but working with computers is incredibly draining. I know because I remember when I started out making music I used a 4-track cassette recorder. As I recorded my parts I stared out the window or closed my eyes. Now I have to stare at a screen or keep my eyes on the digital meters to make sure there is no digital clipping. Analogue distortion is not so big a problem. Digital distortion is a no-no so you always have to be watching the signal. Staring at a screen is incredibly draining energetically. Even writing this is because computer screens seem to have a way of sucking life force energy out of you. Compare how you feel after a walk in the woods versus several hours in front of a computer screen. I'm sure there is a conscious way to make computers that are pleasing to use but of course, that wouldn't be to the system's benefit. They need us to be on edge, comfortable enough to remain asleep spiritually, but in enough discomfort that we can't easily settle into feeling joyous whilst doing activities.

They have taken away a lot of physical activities that brought people together and replaced them with devices which isolate us from each other and the world around us and it's called "progress". They have stolen the land from all of us, stolen all of the bounties of nature, repackaged and resold it to us as if they are doing us a favour and call it "civilisation". They have brainwashed us into believing we need to be on endless pills, that operations are inevitable, that they know our bodies better than we do. If that was stripped away, if you were just left with you and the natural sensitivity you have with your body I wonder what our health would look like? Yet we are meant to be grateful for poisonous vaccines and pills, invasive and sometimes grotesque operations, cold, clinical healing environments called hospitals? We are led to believe civilisation is slogging away at some job you can barely tolerate for most of each day, five days a week when it should be a natural right of everyone to have a piece of land on this Earth we can call home and that we can do what we please with.

Most people it seems picture a world of chaos if the system crumbled but I see a world of adventure and possibility. Way more than what we have now. Think about it like this. When we project a chaotic world without the organisation of the system where do those fearful images come from? The very system world we are currently slaves under! You imagine all the crimes and terrible things you've seen within this very system and magnify them. Yet how do you know those terrible things would exist in a world without this control system since it is all you have ever known?! Why would anybody need to steal to survive in a world where food from nature was freely abundant? The policeman and the criminal are two sides of the same coin. They rely on each other. That's why no matter who becomes president or prime minister, no matter which party gets in, no matter what measures they employ, crime never goes away. Similarly, medical science thrives on sick people, so as long as there is medical science there will never be a fully healthy population. It is not in the interests of medical science to put itself out of business. Free energy could be a reality but those in power don't want it. Just like they don't want an end to disease. The trick they pull again and again, which the gullible population falls for every time, is to make you THINK they are striving towards an end to these things. The carrot always has to be dangled just ahead of you... for their own benefit, of course!

So I'm sorry, I cannot feel grateful for anything this system has given us because all I see is what it has stolen from us. The only one I am grateful and in awe of is the Creator, whatever that is. The mysterious Source from which all creation springs. Man didn't create the flowers, the trees and their fruits, the animals, the sun, the rain, these very human bodies. When you really consider these things they are miraculous. If we aligned ourselves with this power instead of always working against it our creations would be so much more beautiful and in harmony with the life around them.