Every Law Is Illegal
"Find out what was there before you knew"

Before 2020, every once in a while I'd point out to people around me "this land doesn't belong to the system". Such a simple observation but not many people could understand the implications of what I was speaking. During the lockdown years I felt even more compelled to beat this drum, and continually repeat the mantra "every law is illegal" in the face of the draconian laws being imposed upon the entire planet.
That mantra originally comes from this Bob Marley interview:

It's easy for those who wish to be lazy, to say Bob is just being rebellious, living up to his image as the pot-smoking rebel poet. Actually, there is profound wisdom in what he is expressing. Bob overstands all life springs out of the one eternal source, call that Oneness, God, Source, Higher Power, Consciousness, Awareness or Jah. That one eternal source produces the the sea, the stars, the sun, the moon, the animals and plants. It produced your human body. It beats your heart, functions your brain, stomach, breathing, everything without you doing a single thing.
Really consider this for a moment... The whole universe functions as a single whole, each part like clockwork. There is automatic harmony built in. Nobody is doing it. Nobody is responsible for it. Yet human beings are the only species arrogant enough to come up with the concept of law when there is already one law governing everything and it's built into reality itself. The intelligence required to power the whole universe is beyond anything we can comprehend.
At some point, certain humans decided to draw artificial lines on the land and tell other humans they couldn't go there, or they at least needed permission to go there. From this point, the land was stolen from everybody. From being able to freely roam this earth you suddenly needed permission from another. Another who is the same as you. So where did HE get the authority to tell YOU that you can't go there?
If we go back just over a 100 years ago in the UK, you didn't need a permit to fish, you didn't need to register a property or get planning permission. Business registration began in 1844. Now there is virtually nothing you can do without getting approval from some authority. Yet the obvious problem is this... Who decided who was given that authority in the first place? I'm not talking about the last elections you voted in. I'm talking about if we could trace it right back to when this control system kicked in, how was the power handed over? It seems pretty obvious it was a manipulation of some kind. To give away the kind of freedom that we once had it must've been.

"Trace a line throughout time / The further you go the more it rhymes"
Now many will say "but we need structure, we need rules otherwise there'd be chaos". Well, firstly, there is already chaos with laws! Then go back to the beginning and consider what I said about the flowers, the trees, the animals, the workings of the human body. Does anyone need to remind the sun to rise each day? Do you need to remember to breathe? Or digest your food? Can you control your next thought? Do you know what it will be? Something is doing this all for every species, for every living thing throughout the universe and humans are so arrogant they think they know better! If that is not insanity then what is?!
Just like the animals, we have intelligence built in that doesn't need to be learned. There are certain core values like compassion, justice, fairness, & freedom which are inherent in humans left to their own devices. It is the system of control which distorts, twists, covers up and perverts this natural intelligence. It is never given a chance. We can't find out if all the criminals would stop being criminals if there were no laws until we get rid of laws but we are too scared to get rid of the laws because of the criminals. At least, that's one way of looking at it. It could also be said those responsible for creating the laws are the biggest criminals of all and the reason the law is still in place is to protect the lawmakers. There is certainly plenty of evidence of this throughout history.
When Bob says "every government upon the face of this earth is illegal" he is not making a dramatic statement for effect. He is speaking Truth. Without man-made interference, there are no countries and therefore no laws. There is just land and water and the laws of the Creation. Anybody can roam where they choose on the planet. Doesn't mean everybody will roam and most likely, the majority will settle in specific locations. They will be MOVED to those locations by the same natural intelligence which beats their heart and allows them to breathe if the thinking mind gets out of the way. They won't need laws to live by because they will intuitively know what to do in each moment. They wouldn't wish to hurt another since without the interference of the system of control, they wouldn't be in constant fear and would therefore be sensitive and able to feel from the heart. The understanding that the other is actually you at a deeper level would be experienced as a living reality.
We are now entering a time when the limitations of man-made or artificially created laws will be exposed more and more. The hypocrisy is there for all to see on a daily basis now. The fact that those who create the laws are incapable of upholding them themselves nevermind expecting the population to abide by them. Which is always the lesson we never seem to learn throughout history. Authority can only ever come from God. It will always be corrupt when it comes from a human mind. A.I. won't work because it doesn't have those core values I mentioned earlier. Still people will fight to the death before giving up their search for a saviour, always believing the next president or the next scientific expert will save them.
We have so little trust in ourselves - which is how we ended up with man-made laws - so we hand over power to other humans who also have so little trust in themselves. In fact, less trust in themselves than us but more arrogance and that arrogance leads them to believe they can deliver. You would have to be so sure of yourself to take responsibility for so many peoples lives because any awakened being is always unsure of themselves and would discourage followers. Politicians and religious authorities crave followers. A natural human being is sure of one thing and everything else is a question mark. Politicians and those who wish to control others are sure of many things but lack the one thing needed. Wisdom. Until we let the world run just like the grass grows we'll never have peace, harmony, freedom and love.

"They can't hide from it / For far too long the world's gone wrong"