Innocent Entertainment or Subliminal Programming?
Over Christmas and New Year, I went through an 80s American TV phase. These phases are nothing new, it's been an ongoing thing in my life now for many years where something will show up for me or occur to me in some way, and if I feel a sense of excitement about it, I will follow through, no matter what it is. This leads me into some interesting territory from time to time. Sometimes its a music documentary phase, a 60s phase, sometimes a film noir phase or a phase of watching old comedies.
On the surface this would appear very superficial but in exploring all these phases I often make certain observations that connect up with more important current events in the world. That's how I've learned to follow through no matter how superficial it may seem. When you revisit the past with the eyes and awareness of today you begin to see so much of what you think of as 'you' is programmed in subconsciously from the culture you grew up in. You believe these things to be your own opinions, beliefs, actions but trace it back and you see patterns in the way that the things you grew up with influence your life.
As a child of the 1980s, some of my favourite tv shows included Airwolf, Knight Rider, The A-Team, Street Hawk and Dukes Of Hazzard. So over the Christmas period I watched a few episodes of all of them along with various episodes of Dallas and Dynasty, which I never followed back in the 80s, though I sometimes caught the odd episode if it happened to be on.
A few things struck me right away. The fascination with vehicles in the 80s. The centrepiece of all these shows I liked was a super vehicle of some sort. The second was how they were family shows and how these kinds of tv shows don't seem to exist anymore. Or at least not when I last watched tv. Especially Dukes Of Hazzard. It's such a great upbeat show that has something for everyone and always leaves you feeling good. My favourite was probably Airwolf and what struck me with that was how slow and serene it is for a tv action show. Not something you'd imagine an 8 or 9 year old would sit through today. It had a kind of melancholic, isolated vibe to it. Knight Rider was also a favourite, though a totally different campy type of show. I loved Murdoch in the A-Team, Dwight Schultz should have been as big as Jim Carrey. The other main thing which stood out to me was how physical a world it was in 80s tv shows, no CGI or internet. In the A-Team there's lots of shots of things being built and fixed by hand out of whatever resources could be sourced.
When you look past the seemingly innocent entertainment, you find lots of what looks like military or government propaganda. The A-Team and Airwolf made it look cool to be in the military and it wouldn't surprise me if lots of kids of the 80s joined as adults as a result. Despite it being one of my favourites, it didn't occur to me that K.I.T.T., the car in Knight Rider, was an A.I. system inside an automated vehicle. To me as a child, it was just a talking car. Now we have Musk's Tesla cars and A.I. in our everyday reality. Is this just a natural progression or is something more sinister going on? Could it be that these tv shows were not as innocent as they appeared?
In lots of 80s tv, film and music there is a lot of romanticism about technology, the future, sci-fi stuff. It paints a much friendlier future of technology than the reality we've ended up with. Was this just blind optimism or was it deliberate to entice us in, making a tech future desirable so we'd want to help build it?
I've spoken before about other tv shows I watched as a child like the cartoon M.A.S.K. (face masks in recent times), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (the reptilian agenda and pizzagate), Rainbow ("paint the whole world with a rainbow" - LGBTQ) and Transformers (transhumanism). Are these things just random coincidences or were they planted deliberately to go into the minds of the young watching? Then there's movies like Robocop and Terminator which seem to be becoming reality at an ever-alarming rate. Did the creators of these shows and films just tap into the timeless state where everything happens at once in their creativity and 'prophesise' what was coming? Or do they use these PROGRAMMES to try to influence the direction culture will take?
I don't know. I just make observations and share them here with you. There's certainly a lot of evidence that it is the latter but it's not an easy thing to get absolute proof of unless industry insiders speak out and tell us the truth of what goes on behind the scenes. It's not hard to find plenty people online telling you they know what's going on but as with everything, much of it is bullshit. There's so much disinfo in that whole area that it obscures those with something more substantial to offer. Again, this is likely deliberate so the waters are muddied and then they can come along with the solution - which is the internet must be regulated so they can control what info people have access to.
I can see things from multiple levels and angles so I am able to continue to enjoy some entertainment just for the fun of it but also stay aware as to how it connects up with our current reality. If something feels good there's no need to chuck it away. You see it for what it is and if its still entertaining or enjoyable on some level why not enjoy?
"Trace a line throughout time / The further you go the more it rhymes"

"Don't look to A.I. for the divine / They say you'll go to heaven with our design"