Information Is Not The Answer
We live in an age where information is king. We are over-saturated with information. Today the main form of warfare is psychological - who is most successful in getting information to stick in your mind. Alex Jones (whatever happened to him?!), the conspiracy theorist, didn't name his website Infowars back in 1999 for nothing.
I came to spirituality and conspiracy theories at the same time back in the autumn of 2006. What has changed most between then and now as far as I'm concerned is the dominance of information. Back then, the information was one part of it. Yes, a very important part, but there was a balance with the spiritual. The information was like the way in - the key that opened the door. Once you were in, the spiritual was the solution.
By spiritual, I mean the non-seen, that which cannot be detected by the senses. The innate intelligence you were born with, not given to you second-hand by others. If only those who had the information were able to know themselves and be spiritual, it would be a very unfair situation, and that's what many who are interested in controlling others want you to believe. The beauty of knowing yourself (which is all spirituality is at the end of the day) is that it is between you and yourself. No qualifications or university degree will do it. It has nothing to do with your material wealth. That's why some of the wisest people to have walked this Earth have been poor and uneducated.
Spend any significant time on social media in the conspiracy realms and it's easy to forget this. Your timeline is a constant barrage of information, a vast array of accounts each eager to tell you they know what is going on. They compete with each other for the audience's attention. In all of that sea of confusion one thing is constantly overlooked...
To know and be truly yourself you must be present. By present I mean totally rooted here and now in this moment. Not lost in your thoughts revisiting the past or projecting the future. To one who is present even thoughts of future and past can't disturb them because they 'see' those thoughts from a deep knowing and understanding that they are here right now, the only place life exists, the only reality. Everything else is imagination.
I see a lot of people replying to spiritual and conspiracy researchers, taking in their information, but always asking "so what's the solution?". There is rarely a reply from the researchers because in truth, there can't be. The people asking this question are looking for a verbal/written answer, which means a thought-based answer. That's what philosophy is for but philosophy can't put it's finger on reality. It's natural for people to look in this direction for an answer because religion has conditioned them for thousands of years. It's an ingrained habit now whether you are religious or not. We need to unlearn this habit. We need to begin to understand the intellectual, learned mind is just a tiny part of what we are. This logical, learned mind is good for certain tasks, which it was designed for. To build a camera or a computer you need the mind. To analyse data, to repair things... since thought itself is a subtle form of matter it's area of expertise is matter. So, for all things matter based, the mind is the correct tool. It is not the correct tool for understanding yourself and understanding reality, which are actually one in the same if you go deep enough.
Information is great at showing you the problem but not the solution. Since I came to spirituality and conspiracy theories at the same time I've had a unique advantage I see missing in many other truth seekers. Again and again I've come across spiritual people who shun away from conspiracy theories and conspiracy theorists who see spirituality as weird and flaky. (I use the term 'conspiracy theorist' here in the most simple, respectful way, for want of a better term, as I'm aware it was initially a derogatory term coined by the CIA to discredit such truth seekers). As far as I'm concerned, they go hand in hand. I don't see how it's possible to awaken spiritually and not have to confront the fact that the world is not how you believed it to be, and that many prominent figures and organisations are in place to block you from awakening spiritually. That would seem obvious to me since if there was nothing blocking it, surely the whole world would be awake spiritually? I find it's usually a certain type of spiritual person who has a lot invested in the system (perhaps home, job, financial obligations and so on) who doesn't want to confront this because it would disturb their way of life. They want spirituality in their life but as an add-on to the life they already have and are used to.
Without the conspiracy knowledge, many spiritual people inadvertently walk into traps of the system. Maybe they took the vaccine, maybe they supported the technocracy, the constant intrusions on our freedom without realising. If you don't look at the dark stuff because you are determined to stay positive this is what you miss. True spirituality is beyond positive and negative. You don't have to dwell there, become hopeless or fearful, you just have to be aware of it's existence.
Similarly, if you start out as a conspiracy theorist/researcher, meaning your attention is going to all the five sense things happening in the world - politics, business, science, etc - it must eventually lead you out of this world into the unseen, if you are sincerely searching for Truth and Freedom. To keep looking and expecting an answer to reality to come through information is like trying to understand the world of a computer game and all the characters in it, believing yourself to be the character you play, never realising you are outside of the game and you can turn it off, walk away or play another game anytime you wish. Without the spiritual understanding of reality, conspiracy theorists become unhinged and unbalanced.
We are always asking "how to live?" never realising this question itself is born out of, and only has value, inside the limited world of the computer game. The question "how do I kill the baddies in this game?" is only relevant within the context of the game. The reality is you are sitting in your chair, there is no gun, no baddies. The word "how" is just a sound or a bunch of letters we see written. By making this sound or writing down these letters we think something profound is being said and want an answer with another bunch of letters and sounds. It has no more meaning than a dog bark or a cat meow. Do you see how absurd it is? Outside of the game there is no "how?". Who gave you the idea in the first place that there was a right and wrong way to live? You didn't come out of the womb asking "how?". Somewhere along the line somebody put the idea in you that you were living wrongly and this started the search for how to live rightly.
When this understanding hits you something happens that is beyond the information level. It throws you back on yourself. It throws you into a kind of silence. You know but you don't know how you know and you have no way of sharing this knowing because it is before conceptual knowledge. You can use words to carry an essence of it, the energetic quality of it, but no words could ever describe it. Whether it's the President, Prime Minister, King or Queen, the scientific genius, the spiritual guru or the man cleaning the streets, whatever words they are using, it's all the same - just a bunch of sounds, noises. We translate these noises into something meaningful but we can only make something meaningful out of them based on what we have already learned about those noises. i.e It takes past noises we've given meaning to to make sense of the current ones. If you haven't learnt the language it may as well be a pig grunting.
This is one of the reasons I work with Music. Songs can be carriers of information but they are also more than that. Words are part of a song but when it comes down to it they are simply sounds just like the rest of the song. The other instruments can produce different frequencies that the voice can't. That is to say the rest of the music can touch places we have no words for. When you deal with information only, such as the written word, it has a tendency to over-engage left brain thinking. With songs, there is a meditative quality that can be there. You can enjoy a song without ever knowing what it is about. Songs bypass the analytical, critical, logical mind so they can induce feelings of ease or peace or joy. Certain people can do this with only words also but it's rare and requires the reader to be ripe. Music is somehow more accessible to the masses and can reach different levels. If someone is not interested in a piece of text information, they will usually immediately move on because it will require brain power effort to attempt to understand or take interest in it. If someone is not ready to understand the lyrics of a song they may well still find themselves tapping their feet or engaging with the music in some way. That increases the chance somewhere down the line they will understand the song more completely.
So, as far as I'm concerned, Music can do more to answer questions of reality than information can. Information can take you so far but Music has a very important role in awakening people to their true nature that hasn't been recognised properly in these times of information deluge. Despite attempts to devalue it by the system, it's importance will continue to grow in the years ahead.
"Music doesn't lie. If there is something to be changed in this world, then it can only happen through Music."
- Jimi Hendrix
"Music is going to break the way because music is in a spiritual thing of it's own. It's like the waves of the ocean. You can't just cut out the perfect wave and take it home with you"
- Jimi Hendrix